Total integration time: 20h51m. 417 subs of 180s each.

Total integration time: 20h51m. 417 subs of 180s each.
Panorama from 8 shots in free panorama mode on a dji air3s. Taken in RAW stitched in Lightroom.
Permission for drone flying was granted by Vatnajökull National Park.
205mm, f5.6, 1/2500s
The Dumbbell Nebula (also known as the Apple Core Nebula, Messier 27, and NGC 6853) is a planetary nebula (nebulosity surrounding a white dwarf) in the constellation Vulpecula, at a distance of about 1360 light-years. It was the first such nebula to be discovered, by Charles Messier in 1764.At its brightness of visual magnitude 7.5…